About Us

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Hie, My self mohit. I completed diploma of CSE(Computer Science Engg.) from Thapar polytechnic college.Now, I am pursuing diploma in Computer programming.I am deeply intreseted in [python and web development]. I am eager to apply my learning in real world scenarios and am always looking for opportunities to grow and improve. I choose this course through my own study. I am intreseted about develop unique and simple website. Moreover, i create website on wordpress and make a front page for layout also we say planing for website in photoshop.

my photoshop layout creativity

My Sheridan Time table (Monday to thrusday)

Monday Time table ⋄

Day Time Class Lecture
Monday 9-10 AM Maths virtual
Monday 4-7 PM Python In-class
Monday 7-10 PM Technical Communication In-class

Tuesday Time table

Day Time Class Lecture
Tuesday 08-11 AM Art of Cinema virtual
Tuesday 12-03 PM Python In-class
Tuesday 05-08 PM Web development In-class

Wednesday Time table

Day Time Class Lecture
Wednesday 01-03 PM Maths virtual

Thrusday Time table

Day Time Class Lecture
Thrusday 09-12 PM Data Communication virtual